Thursday, August 13, 2015

Take a minute to appreciate your marriage

I don't normally talk about marriage much, but I feel like I get so caught up in daily life and stress and anxiety from work that I rarely take the time to appreciate my husband and everything he does for me. 

I'm sitting here after a long day at work (my husband stayed home today because he didn't feel well). While I was at work, he washed the dishes, picked up around the house, fed the dog, and when I got home he cooked dinner for us...all while feeling crappy. I didn't have to lift a finger. Until a few minutes ago, I was oblivious to all of that because I had so much on my mind from what went on at work today and what I have to do tomorrow. Unfortunately, not many women can say that their husbands clean up around the house without being asked. But I can and I am so grateful!

Now he is sitting across the room playing contemporary Christian songs on his guitar and I just can't help but smile. But I am also very sad that I have gotten so caught up in such unimportant things that I don't realize how amazing something is right in front of my face. How did I get so lucky? 

He is always there to build me up and support me when I have had a bad day or when I'm feeling down about myself. How could I not want to do whatever I can to build this man up each and every day?! 

...and now he's playing/singing goofy country songs. 

Peace out party people, I'm going to go finish listening to my private concert! :)

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