Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Must Have Jeans Under $50

This fall I want to expand my wardrobe horizons...with JEANS! I am way behind on the colored jeans trend! Lately, I have been eyeing olive, burgundy, and black jeans! Since I'm on a budget, I have searched for the colors I have been coveting for under $50. Here's what I came up with!

1. Gap 1969 Curvy Skinny Black Jeans
Style&co. Petite Slim-Fit Tummy-Control Jeans, Burgundy Wash

3. Spoon Jeans Twill Double-Button Skinny Pant  
**i know #3 didn't show up as olive in the picture above

I feel like wearing jeans other than just plain ole blue could really help me look a little more trendy! Right now, I feel like I have a grandma wardrobe. I seriously have the same 5-6 work outfits that I wear every week, just in a different order. It's pretty sad :(

If my Stitch Fix goes well on Thursday, I may take my chances and see if I can request a pair of colored jeans and see what they give me!

Do you prefer colors or do you stick with basic blue?

Monday, August 17, 2015

Lush Wish List

Lush Wish List

I have been eyeing Lush products for awhile now. My friend, Meghan, swears by their products! Her husband even uses their products, gasp! My husband loathes the use of facial products no matter how much I beg him to just try it! He thinks a bar of soap is sufficient....

I have run out of my current facial products yet, but when I do these Lush products are the first on my list! I have combination/oily skin, so all of these products are great for that skin type. What I love about Lush is that they are all about: 

fighting animal testing. fresh ingredients. ethical buying. 100% vegetarian. handmade. naked packaging.


I guess I should note that Roots is actually a hair treatment, not a facial product. I had to throw that in because my poor, fine hair needs some TLC. I will most likely purchase Roots and Dark Angels first because those are the most needed. Enzymion will be an investment product because it's quite expensive...$39.95 for 1.5 oz. I almost had a stroke when I saw that!! I don't know that I will ever buy it, but I will at least visit a Lush store and see if I can get a sample. If I love it enough, I will definitely save for it! 

Have you tried any Lush products? What's your opinion?

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Random Sunday Thoughts

>> How do all the bloggers on Instagram take those outfit pictures above their head?! I can never get it right. I swear, I will finish getting ready in the morning and I will look in the mirror and think hey, I look pretty good right now. Then, I try to take an outfit selfie and it turns out just awful. Embarrassing.

>> Why do I get the urge to clean the house at 8:30 pm on Sunday night? I have had literally all weekend to clean and I decide to wait until the last minute...but I'm actually just writing this blog post instead of cleaning. Just call me the Queen of Procrastination.

>> My hair. I miss my long hair! Ok, so it's never been super long. But several months ago, I got a wild hair and decided to chop my hair off into a 'pixie' cut. Not literally pixie, but to me it was super short. The bottom layer was not even half an inch long! Now, I am regretting it. I never knew I could miss wearing a pony tail so bad!

>> I am really impatient waiting for my first Stitch Fix to arrive! It says my fix is currently in progress! Thursday, HURRY UP!

>> I am getting really nervous about my Master's courses to begin next Monday (24th). I hope I don't completely bomb my first assignments.

>> I really need to get back to healthy eating and working out. I felt a million times better than I do now, but the laziness I experience is just too overpowering. I'm the type of person who gets anxiety when I have "too much to do" so I just don't do any of it and I take a nap. The sad part is....it's not really too much to do. Other people do many more things than me every single day and manage it just fine. I've got issues.

>> Oh, wouldn't ya know..my urge to clean has passed. I guess I'll go to bed now :)

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Take a minute to appreciate your marriage

I don't normally talk about marriage much, but I feel like I get so caught up in daily life and stress and anxiety from work that I rarely take the time to appreciate my husband and everything he does for me. 

I'm sitting here after a long day at work (my husband stayed home today because he didn't feel well). While I was at work, he washed the dishes, picked up around the house, fed the dog, and when I got home he cooked dinner for us...all while feeling crappy. I didn't have to lift a finger. Until a few minutes ago, I was oblivious to all of that because I had so much on my mind from what went on at work today and what I have to do tomorrow. Unfortunately, not many women can say that their husbands clean up around the house without being asked. But I can and I am so grateful!

Now he is sitting across the room playing contemporary Christian songs on his guitar and I just can't help but smile. But I am also very sad that I have gotten so caught up in such unimportant things that I don't realize how amazing something is right in front of my face. How did I get so lucky? 

He is always there to build me up and support me when I have had a bad day or when I'm feeling down about myself. How could I not want to do whatever I can to build this man up each and every day?! 

...and now he's playing/singing goofy country songs. 

Peace out party people, I'm going to go finish listening to my private concert! :)

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Find your perfect pair of jeans!

You guys!! I have to tell you about a site that I just found out about - Fitcode.com

Here's the skinny:

You take a quick, 5 question quiz that finds out about your body type. Based on your answers, they give you a Fitcode. Mine is 300. Then they show you brands and styles of jeans that fit your body type! I haven't actually purchased any of the jeans yet, but I can definitely tell that I would absolutely love some of them! The screenshot below only shows the first row of options. They actually provided me with tooonnnnnssss of options. So many that I don't feel like counting.

I really like the Stevie Straight Leg in Benevolent by Kut from the Kloth. What I love is that it even tells me what size I should purchase and all the measurements for the front rise, back rise, inseam, etc! Most of the time this information takes longer to find that I prefer. I haaaate sizing guides! But the way Fitcode lists everything is so convenient! 

Currently, I am on a pretty tight budget due to graduate school. But I definitely plan on saving up and purchasing a pair of jeans that Fitcode suggests. I am willing to invest in a nice pair of jeans if they help me look and feel great!

Go to Fitcode.com and take their quiz. What's your Fitcode?

*P.S. Fitcode.com has no idea who I am. I was not asked to write about their site. I just came across them and wanted to spread the word. This is something I have been NEEDING in my life because pants are always my worst shopping experience!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Here today, gone tomorrow

Well, it's been quite awhile since I last blogged. There isn't much to report on. I have a pretty boring life.

Here's a pretty rundown of what's been going on:

>> We went on our cruise in April and the weather was terrible! We were confined to the inside of the ship almost every day. The few times the sun was out, the decks were so full of people that we couldn't even find a spot to lay out (we were not early risers on this trip). The Bahamas was pretty disappointing too. My husband and I have both been before but it was years ago when we were in high school. Needless to say, we will not be going there again. I couldn't stand all the people pestering us while we were just trying to walk around. We enjoyed Cozumel much better last year for our honeymoon. 

>> Recently, my best friend/co-worker got a position in another department. I am so sad to see her go even though I can still manage to see her everyday. Since I was trained on most of her position already, I will be taking over her old duties. I'm a little bit excited because I will have a different office, new responsibilities, and I won't be on the "front line" anymore. I love helping students, but after almost 6 years, I'm happy for a change. 

>> I finally got my hands on the J.Crew Factory Emery flats that I have been dying to have for months now! I got them on sale for around $40! In my mind that is a steal because I normally couldn't find them for under $65! (To be honest, I didn't really dig too deep through the world wide web to find them cheaper, but I did at least do a few quick searches)

>> I have jumped on the Stitch Fix bandwagon! My first fix will arrive on August 20 and I am SO excited! I need to start investing in my wardrobe, rather than buying cheap clothes that don't last. Shoes and purses are two things that I've always been willing to invest money in...but I wear them out so quickly! I am the type of person who carries the same purse for months and months if I like it enough. By the time I get done with them, they look rough. Shoes, too! My shoes never last more than a few months. When I find a pair of black, pointed-toe flats I wear them almost every day. As a result, I have to get a new pair pretty frequently. So, with Stitch Fix, I hope to build my closet with nice, quality clothing.

Update: I'm not sure how in the world I forgot to mention that I'm starting graduate school on the 24th!! I am super excited but also very nervous at the same time. I finished my Bachelor's Degree over a year ago, so I feel a little rusty in the learning department!

Well, that's all for now! Hopefully, it won't take me almost 4 months to post again :)